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Table 3 Final model in the stepwise model-building process

From: Can a single question about family members’ sense of security during palliative care predict their well-being during bereavement? A longitudinal study during ongoing care and one year after the patient’s death

Varible domain


Wald valuesa for partial regression coefficients in the final best subset


Sense of security with care

Mastery subscale (SEC-R; 1 [never] - 6 [always])



Stress and coping

Nervousness and stress (from PSS; 1 [never] - 5 [very often])


Self-efficacy (from GSE; 1 [fully disagree] - 4 [fully agree])



Patient characteristics

Gynecological cancer


Health-related quality of life

Quality of life (from WHO QOL 100; 1 (very bad) - 5 (very good))



  1. A model was developed with the family members’ sense of security during ongoing palliative care as the dependent variable, and the variables in the eight domains as independent variables
  2. aWald = 4 is approximately equivalent to P = 0.05; Wald = 6 is approximately equivalent to P = 0.01
  3. b“+” means a positive relationship between response and explanatory variables; “-” indicates a negative relationship