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Table 1 Response to the 18-items general knowledge questions about palliative care and its principles among pharmacists

From: Pharmacists’ knowledge, attitude and involvement in palliative care in selected tertiary hospitals in southwestern Nigeria


True, n (%)

False, n (%)

1.Palliative care involves provision of care only to patients who have no curative treatment available (n = 108)

43 (39.8)

65 (60.2)a

2. Non-medical practitioners are active participant in palliative care (n = 108)

63 (58.3)a

45 (41.7)

3. Palliative care is to be provided by doctors and nurses alone (n = 109)

3 (2.8)

106 (97.2)a

4. Palliative care is required only for patients who are near death (n = 108)

18 (16.7)

90 (83.3)a

5. Palliative care only involves pain management (n = 108)

25 (23.1)

83 (76.9)a

6. Palliative care involves providing patients with relief from their symptoms (n = 109)

66 (60.6)a

43 (39.4)

7. Regular opioids intake should not be combined with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for palliative care patients (n = 99)

45 (45.5)

54 (54.5)a

8. Long term use of opioids for palliative care patients does not often induce addiction (n = 107)

91 (85.0)a

16 (15.0)

9. Palliative care should not be provided alongside anti-retroviral treatment (n = 99)

5 (5.1)

94 (94.9)a

10. One of the goals of pain management in palliative care is to get good night sleep (n = 108)

14 (13.0)a

94 (87.0)

11. Benzodiazepines should be effective for controlling delirium in palliative care patients (n = 93)

71 (76.3)a

22 (23.7)

12. Palliative care does not involve maintaining patient medication profile overtime (n = 105)

8 (7.6)

97 (92.4)a

13. Palliative care should not be provided in conjunction with curative care at the time of diagnosis of a potential life-limiting illness (n = 101)

14 (13.9)

87 (86.1)a

14. The goals of palliative care and pharmaceutical care are consistent (n = 108)

101 (93.5)a

7 (6.5)

15. Medication therapy is the cornerstone of all symptom control in palliative care (n = 104)

67 (64.4)

37 (35.6)*

16. Involvement in palliative care activities by pharmacists may decrease the need for medical emergencies (n = 103)

103 (100.0)a

0 (0.0)

17. Pharmacist in palliative care should be less concerned about monitoring non-prescription medication use for safety and effectiveness (n = 107)

3 (2.8)

104 (97.2)a

18. Pharmacists in palliative care communicate with pharmaceutical manufacturers to determine the availability of nonstandard dosage forms (n = 99)

61 (61.6)a

38 (38.4)

Cut-off for overall percent score

n (%)


 > 75

23 (21.1)



86 (78.9)


  1. a = Correct answer. Maximum obtainable score = 18; % individual score = score obtained by an individual ÷ total obtainable score × 100, n = number