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Table 1 Interview Guide

From: A phenomenological study of nurses experience about their palliative approach and their use of mobile palliative care teams in medical and surgical care units in France

In a few words, what does palliative care mean to you?

I In the healthcare service where you encounter palliative care: How would you say it goes in general? What happens?


What would you say is the place of primary care nurses within the context of PC? How do you imagine it?

Are you satisfied? Do you like your role?

What does a palliative approach mean to you?

II Do you remember the last patient that you had who went through palliative care with you: Describe the situation. Think about the day, the place and who you were with. What happened? What were your thoughts at the moment? What did you do?


Do you remember what you experienced in the situation? What thoughts came into your mind? What did you do and why?

Which problems did you need to solve? What did you have at your disposal from your personal experience that helped you? (see if she makes reference to experience, professional values, knowledge, techniques, biographical lived events, other colleagues? Which other colleagues?)

Did you feel that you had a particular need in that moment or that you were lacking anything? If so, did it cause you to suffer in any way?

What did you take from this experience?

III With regards to this personal experience that you have just spoken about: The litterature says that despite a solid knowledge of palliative care by healthcare workers, patients do not always benefit from a palliative approach. What do you think about that?

How would you judge the partnership with MPCT? With the nurses in the MPCT?


In what ways specifically do you see this collaboration? Do you think this collaboration is possible?

Can you tell me if you have found difficulties in this partnership? What are they?

Have you had an experience where a palliative approach was not implemented? Do you remember your thoughts or emotions at that moment?

Do you recall a situation where a palliative approach was put into place? (wait for the answer before asking the second part of the question) Did you experience a particular feeling? What was it? Did you feel enriched? In what way?

IV In light of everything that you’ve said so far, what could shared care meanfor you?


Would you be able to integrate this idea into your daily practice?

Do you have anything to add?