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Table 4 Measurements tools

From: Effectiveness of the “Living with Cancer” peer self-management support program for persons with advanced cancer and their relatives: study protocol of a non-randomized stepped wedge study

Measurement tools


Measured by

Primary outcome:


Self-management behavior

Health Education Impact Questionnaire (HEIQ) [30]

Patients and relatives: Subscale ‘constructive attitudes and approaches’ (5 items)

Secondary outcomes:


Self-management behaviors

Health Education Impact Questionnaire (HEIQ) [30]

Patients: Subscales ‘skill and technique acquisition’ (4 items), ‘health services navigation’ (5 items), ‘social integration and support’ (5 items) Relatives: Subscales ‘health directed behavior’ (4 items), ‘positive and active engagement in life’ (5 items), ‘social integration and support’ (5 items)

Quality of life

Patients: McGill Quality of Life (MQOL) [31, 32] (18 items)

Relatives: Quality of Life in Life Threatening Illness Family Carer Version (QOLLTI-F) [33]

Subscale ‘overall quality of life’ (1 item)


Patients: Self-efficacy for managing chronic disease [24]

Adaptation to advanced cancer (6 items) Relatives: Self-efficacy caregivers short adaption [34] Adaptation to advanced cancer (7 items)


Patients and relatives: Fatigue numeric rating scale (NRS) (1 item)

Patients: Pain numeric rating scale (NRS) (1 item)

Relatives: Stress numeric rating scale (NRS) (1 item), Sleep numeric rating scale (NRS) (1 item)

Caregiver burden

Relatives: Caregiver Reaction Assessment Dutch (CRA-D) [35];

Subscale ‘impact on schedule’ (5 items)

Depression and Anxiety

Patients and relatives: Hospital Anxiety and Depression (HADS) [36]

(14 items)


Patients and relatives: University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) loneliness scale [37]

Short version (3 items)

Other measures:


Healthcare utilization

Patients and relatives: Number of contacts with healthcare professionals, number of hospitalization days, reasons for hospitalization, number of visits to accident and emergency departments [38]

Self-constructed (6 items)

Sociodemographic characteristics

Patients and relatives: Age, gender, ethnicity, Social Economic Status (SES), marital status, cancer type and time since diagnosis

Self-constructed (15 items) Relatives: Hours of caregiving per week (1 item)


Patients and relatives: Self-Administered Comorbidity Questionnaire (SCQ) [39]

(1 item)

Health literacy

Patients and relatives: Degree of understanding medical information, Set of Brief Screening Questions (SBSQ) [40]

(3 items)


Patients and relatives: Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC) [41]

(10 items)

Digital comfort and skills

Patients and relatives: The comfort and skills of using computer and mobile devices [42]

(2 items)

Group cohesion

Patients and relatives: The Group Climate Questionnaire (GCQ-23) [43]

(23 items)

Evaluation of the program

Patients and relatives: Experiences with the program

Self-constructed (7 items)