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Table 3 Themes, subthemes, and categories

From: Understanding pediatric palliative care within interdisciplinary palliative programs: a qualitative study




Theme 1. Distinctive nature of Pediatric Palliative Care

Subtheme 1: Pediatric Palliative Care equals life

Category 1: The child and their family: An indivisible binomial

Category 2: A child is not a small adult

Subtheme 2: The care of these children is special

Category 1: Complexity of care is not seen anywhere else

Category 2: The home as a place of care and death

Theme 2: The team as a cornerstone of Pediatric Palliative Care

Subtheme 1: Interdisciplinarity

Category 1: Learning to work as a “real” team

Category 2: Coordinating with other services


Subtheme 2: The attitude of the pediatric palliative care professional

Category 1: Change in professional mindset

Category 2: Special sensitivity


Subtheme 3: The skills of the professional with expertise in Pediatric Palliative Care

Category 1: Adaptability

Category 2: Decision-making skills

Category 3: Communication skills