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Table 4 Views of Death Doulas who volunteer

From: Death doula working practices and models of care: the views of death doula training organisations




Devalues or undermines the DD role, worthy of payment

Organisation 1 (AUS)

“I think this devalues the field in general - and is dangerous at many levels forpractice […]. Volunteers are often perceived as dispensable, unimportant, valueless […] and makes it harder for all of us to maintain a professional identity […]. Have a service fee set, include a sliding scale if you like, but do not set yourself up to be worthless”


Organisation 6 (CAN)

“I think it undermines their training and effort that it takes to do this job”


Organisation 7 (CAN)

“This is a place of privilege. I have a knee jerk reaction to any compassionate, gendered care being designated to the volunteer sector”


Organisation 10 (AUS)

“I think it’s fair to do both. But i do believe that we need to value this incredible service”


Organisation 12 (the US)

“They are being exploited and hurting the profession from being taken seriously in the medical community”


Organisation 13 (AUS)

“It is a profession, a role, worthy of reimbursement and most people need to earn a living. This is a fee for service role and whilst doulas may not be ‘experts’ and ‘consultants’ they are providing substantial emotional and often spiritual labour. There will always be a need for pro-bono work, to support disadvantaged folk AND there are ways that can be done without doing all volunteer work”

Support DD as volunteer

Organisation 3 (the US)

“Perfectly fine. Again, I am for freedom of practice and there is room for all of us. The idea that someone who volunteers their services is undermining the value of the role is rooted in a scarcity mindset” […]


Organisation 5 (NZ)

“If they can it is lovely that they can”


Organisation 9 (the US)



Organisation 11 (the US)

“there is a need for doulas in every level of business, volunteer org and community and family. there needs to be doulas everywhere from every angle. they are all great”

Individual choice

Organisation 2 (AUS)

“If that is sustainable for them, thats fine, but it needs to be dependant on each persons situation”


Organisation 3 (the US)

“I teach doulas to value themselves and their services and then learn to make THAT case to prospective clients. If someone else wants to volunteer, that’s up to them”


Organisation 4 (SWED)

“Up to each and everyone but even to charge just a dollar and draw up a contract, makes it more professional and better for both parties if for example one wants to get out” […]


Organisation 8 (the UK)

“People choice”