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Table 5 Palliatives indicators at one-year follow-up for the survival patients

From: SPICT as a predictive tool for risk of 1-year health degradation and death in older patients admitted to the emergency department: a bicentric cohort study in Belgium


1 year follow-up (n = 231)



median, SD (n)


median, SD (n)

global median; p-value*


3, 2.5 (n = 144)

4.5,2.9 (n = 86)

4; 0.11

Depressed feeling

2, 2.6 (n = 144)

3, 3.0 (n = 84)

2; 0.19

Feeling nervous

3, 2.7 (n = 145)

3, 2.6 (n = 86)

3; 0.72


3, 2.7 (n = 145)

4, 3.0 (n = 85)

3.5; 0.79

Respiratory secretions

0, 2.3 (n = 144)

0, 2.8 (n = 84)

0; 0.48

Swallowing problems

0, 2.1 (n = 145)

0, 2.4 (n = 86)

0; 0.03

Lack of appetite

0, 2.7 (n = 145)

3, 3.1 (n = 86)

0; 0.04


5, 2.3 (n = 144)

5, 2.6 (n = 86)

5; 0.002


1, 2.6 (n = 145)

3, 3.3 (n = 86)

2; 0.03

Lack of muscular energy

4, 2.4 (n = 145)

5, 2.4 (n = 85)

5; 0.07

  1. *Non-parametric median test with Yates correction
  2. Numeric scores between zero (no difficulties) to ten (highest difficulties, can’t be worse), assessed by patients