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Table 1 Study eligibility criteria

From: Access to palliative care in patients with advanced cancer of the uterine cervix in the low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review

Review question: What factors are important for access to palliative care by women with advanced cancer of the uterine cervix in the low- and middle-income countries?

Population: Women diagnosed with advanced cancer of the uterine cervix (advanced cancer being defined as any of the following: FIGO stage IB to IV; or presence of distant metastasis; or cancer that is life- limiting; or cancer with prognosis of 6 to 12 months); Age 19 years and older (this age group defines and adult); and/or family or caregiver of the patient; patient and caregiver residing in the LMICs. LMICS are classified as countries with Gross National Income per capita of US$1135 or less to US$13845 ( Caregiver is defined as family or any person who attended to the needs of the patient during her illness

Intervention(s), exposure (s):Any care given to relieve distressing symptoms, – physical or otherwise, before, alongside, or after the disease specific treatment, such as pain management, vaginal bleeding, vaginal discharge, and psychosocial support

Comparator: Palliative care in any form is not provided

Outcome: Specified or unspecified aspects of palliative care outcomes and/or associated outcomes such as problems or facilitators of access; physical or psychosocial needs; cultural factors; communication of needs – with family, healthcare staff, or other patients; underserved/minority groups – ethnic or socio-economic factors

Outcome measures: Qualitative and/or quantitative with regard to availability, affordability, physical accessibility and acceptability of the care; primary palliative care use - access, provision, implementation, integration

Setting: Home, hospice facility, outpatient oncology setting, outpatient non-oncology setting, in-patient oncology setting, and inpatient non-oncology setting

Inclusion criteria:

 • Original research involving data on adult women with advanced stage uterine cervical cancer, and/or their caregivers

 • Studies of cancer patients, or gynecological cancer patients with an arm including patients with cervical cancer

 • Studies conducted on patients and/or caregivers living in the LMICs.

 • Any care intended to relieve distressing symptoms

 • Outcome includes qualitative or quantitative measures

 • Published anytime from inception of database

 • Study design can include experimental studies (randomized controlled trials, other types of trials), observational studies (cohort studies, case-control studies, controlled and uncontrolled pre/post studies), retrospective studies, cross-sectional studies, qualitative, quantitative, mixed-method studies

Exclusion criteria :

 • Trials of medications or medical procedures related to primary cancer therapy

 • Case reports, editorials, letters to the editor, commentaries, historical perspectives, reviews, gray literature including guidelines and protocols, newspaper articles, social media

 • Review articles (not systematic review)

 • Diseases other than cancer of cervix

 • Studies reporting factors not expressed by patients or caregivers

 • Papers published in any language other than English