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Table 4 TfSL category, diagnosis groups, and phenomena reported

From: Patient-reported outcome measures in children, adolescents, and young adults with palliative care needs—a scoping review

TfSL categories


N of studies

Phenomena reported in the identified PROMs

1) Life-threatening conditions for which curative treatment may be feasible but can fail

Cancer; Organ failure


Adverse events; benefit; combination of multiple phenomena; comfort; depression, fatigue; distress; general health; HRQL; QOL; pain; psychological stress; PTSD; resilience; sickness; and various symptoms

2) Conditions for which premature death is inevitable. Treatment may aim at prolonging life and allowing normal activities

Primary ciliary dyskinesia; HIV/AIDS


PCD-HRQL; HRQL; nasal-related HRQL; disease-specific QOL; QOL

3) Progressive conditions without curative treatment options. Treatment exclusively palliative and may extend over many years

Neurologic progressive disease


Fatigue; HRQL; neuromuscular HRQL; pain

4) Irreversible but nonprogressive conditions causing severe disabilities leading to susceptibility to health complications and likelihood of premature death




A combination of categories



Anxiety; distress; health status; HRQL; nausea; pain; palliative outcomes; QOL; suffering symptoms

  1. HRQL Health-related quality of life, PCD-HRQL Primary ciliary dyskinesia health-related quality of life, PROM Patient-reported outcome measure, PTSD Post-traumatic stress disorder, QOL Quality of life, TfSL Together for short Lives