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Table 4 Conceptual definition consensus

From: Translation and cultural adaptation of the Greek integrated palliative care outcome scale (IPOS): challenges in a six-phase process

Shortness of breath

The exact translation would be ‘κοντανασαίνω’, ‘λαχάνιασµα’, ‘δύσπνοια’. However previous experience had shown that patients understand better the term ‘δυσκολία στην αναπνοή’ which would be translated as ‘difficulty in breathing’ in English.

Lack of energy

Originally translated as ‘έλλειψη ενέργειας. However, there were suggestions to use the term ‘ενεργητικότητα’ as a possible alternative, defined as the action performed if the person has energy.

Poor (appetite/mobility)

The term ‘poor’ cannot be translated word for word into Greek. The term ‘µειωµένη όρεξη’ or ‘περιορισµένη κινητικότητα’ which means ‘reduced’ and ‘limited’ are more lay Greek expressions for poor appetite and poor mobility respectively.

Feeling depressed

This term for depression initiated a lot of discussion since the term depression points to a medical diagnosis, similar to anorexia. The medical term encompasses not just the element of sadness, which patients have, but also the element of apathy which is not present. Hence the term νιώθω θλίψη’ which is equivalent to ‘feeling sad’ was thought to be more appropriate. However, no consensus was reached for this term.


The proposed term for information was ‘πληροφορίες’. However, clinicians pointed that within the context of health care (related to diagnosis, prognosis) often the term ‘ενηµέρωση’ (updating) might be more accurate and more frequently used by clinicians.