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Table 1 Search strategy

From: Factors related to advance directives completion among cancer patients: a systematic review

Search engines and databases:

PubMed, Scopus, web of science, ProQuest

Limits: Language (Only resource with at least an abstract English)

Date: Up to 8 November 2021

(“Goals of care” OR ACP OR “Patient care planning” OR “Healthcare directive” OR “Health care directive” OR “Advance Directives” OR “Decision Making” OR “Patient Preference” OR “Personal Autonomy” OR “Advance care planning” OR “do not resuscitate order” OR “end of life discussions” OR “Anticipatory care plan” OR “future care planning” OR “Living Wills” OR “Resuscitation Orders” OR “Medical treatment order” OR “Statement of wishes” OR “Medical directive” OR “end of life discuss” OR “end of life conversation” OR “end of life decision” OR “end of life plan” OR “end of life preference” OR “advance medical plan” OR “advance statement”) AND TITLE cancer OR neoplasm OR tumor OR malignancy OR carcinoma